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How to choose the right social media platform for your business?

Nowadays, people in business prefer Digital Marketing Agency CT over traditional marketing media because it is highly in demand due to their tremendous working efficiency.

Social media marketing is pretty much the part of digital marketing where people use social media to promote their brand

Are you one of those who find it challenging to choose the right social media platform for you and then keep following the next segment? 

1. Identifying audience

The foremost step is identifying your audience or where you hail from? This is because then you will have a better idea of investing in the platforms which are beneficial for you.  

To ease, you can ask your digital team the following questions:

  • Customer base
  • The age group
  • Gender 
  • What kind of products they are interested in

Finding answers to these questions will be easier for you to develop that aspect for your business beneficiaries. 

2. Defining goals

Once you know what type of audience you have to entertain, then it is easier for you to define your goals to make your business successful. 

See, the ultimate aim of any business is to enhance its sales by attracting customers. 

However, not every brand thinks that way. For example, a CT-based tech company uses social media for customer support, while an e-commerce company uses social media for its sales, marketing, and brand building. 

Some of the popular social media marketing goals are:

  • Driving traffic and increasing brand value 
  • Enhancing sales 
  • Generating new leads 
  • Boosting brand engagement and making a social community 
  • Customer support 

3. Identifying the platform 

Since you are now updated with your business audience, it’s time to understand what platform will be best for you. 

For this, you must do proper research about the specific platform, like what age group uses it more or its reach. 

For your help, below-given is the brief of popular social media platforms that will help you find the audience. 

4. Whatsapp

As of March 2021, there are two million monthly users of Whatsapp, and from there, you can identify its popularity. 

The younger generation uses it as a conversation medium, but you know what business can prevail from Whatsapp?

The home business. This is because, since you’re new in the market, no one will trust you. So, it’s better to build your company’s goodwill first in the local market and then expand. 

5. Facebook 

The majority of people use Facebook to build relations and keep in touch with loved ones. So, Facebook is a fantastic way to polish the existing customer’s loyalty and stay in touch with clients by posting regular updates.  

6. YouTube 

Youtube became one of the most popular search engines of 2020 and 2021 due to its new policies. For example, you don’t have to be a user to access the content. 

In addition, it has become home to the creators and influencers who updates their fans through vlogs& more. Now the newest addition is the short clips called Youtube Shorts. 

The “how to’ videos have immense popularity along with educational and fitness channels. 

7. Twitter 

The majority of the Twitteratis are the older generations. 

Twitter can prove an excellent platform for building brand awareness because people use hashtags. In addition, Twitter gives the latest update like what’s on trending. 

8. Instagram 

Instagram is one of the most loved in Social Media Marketing CT, and its audience base is the youth generation. Its features like sharing photos and videos make an excellent platform for sharing food, art, beauty, and travel pictures. Therefore, Instagram is known for generating leads.