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HTTPS Or HTTP? What You Should Select For Your Website


Have you ever experienced that while clicking on certain URLs, a page appears with the message that your connection is not private? It has been seen that 53% of the users left their quest on that spot only. It can be a reason a huge loss of business for anyone.

Since 2018, Google has started the practice of showing the message to the Chrome users for the websites that don’t have HTTPS. It is like an alert from the search engine giant that you are going to lose your users unless you transform your website to HTTPS. It will keep scaring the visitors with the pop-up for every non-HTTPS website.

However, this step of Google is not surprising as they have started to encourage the websites with HTTPS from May 2010. In 2014, they have also announced that the search result would be shown preferences for the HTTPS websites.

So, it is clear that HTTPS is the only choice for any website. Since then many people started to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS and as a result, they have experienced up to 480% increase in traffic after the switch.

Here is a complete discussion on the difference between HTTP and HTTPS that will solve many queries and let you know the reason for the preference.

Before knowing the difference, you have to know what these two things are.

HTTP is the application layer protocol of the website that receives and transmits information across the web. The responsibility of this protocol is to secure and authorize transactions over the web. To make it more clear, the web searchers get information from it. Without that secure connection, the network located between the secure host and the destination host has the capability to change the destination host’s received data.

HTTPS is a more secure way as it is an extra layer of protection to transport the data. It is also known as Secure Sockets Layer or SSL.

Why HTTPS is a better choice?

If you don’t consider the preference of Google search results and need more reasons to buy the SSL certificate, then here it is.

To get a good online experience, it is important to involve a trusted third party along with good encryption.

It is also said that HTTP is stateless that means it does not remember the previous session of the users. On the other hand, it has some benefits as well. As the protocol does not have any data to send, it will eventually increase the speed.

Apart from that, HTTPS always keeps ahead in the race as it is backed by the search engine giant itself.

The data the website sends or receives is secured by TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol while it is sending via HTTPS. It includes a three-layer of extra protection that has encryption, data integrity, and authentication. This means that the data transmitted via HTTPS is secured, safe from modification and corruption, and enabled authentication.

And finally, the brownie point for the positive influence on the ranking algorithm goes to HTTPS. It will surely have a better prospect for ranking along with making your site data more secured and private.